Television in Cuba


Early History of Cuban Television 1950-1959

Television arrived to Cuba on October 14, 1950[1] In the 1940s, Cuba’s two largest radio stations, CMQ and RHC-Cadena Azul announced they would soon start broadcasting television. Since building TV stations and broadcast networks from scratch was extremely expensive and complex it took longer than expected. They were both beaten to the air by the tiny radio station, Union Radio. Gaspar Pumarejo, owner of Union Radio, built the new station in his Havana home and garage. Pumarejo set the inauguration of his TV station for October 24, 1950 which was Journalists Day in Cuba.[2] After honoring the journalist, Cuba’s President Prio was shown mugging it up for the camera and playing the role of camera man. After this event Union Radio’s slogan became “Union Radio, primera en television, primera en popularidad” (”Union Radio, First in television, first in popularity”).Union Radio was quickly followed by CMQ which began broadcasting December 18, 1950.[3]

Variety of shows

One of the first shows broadcast was coverage of Cuban Winter League baseball games

[in late October, the station carried the first of what would be regular Cuban Winter League Baseball Games. A crew drove to the stadium in a remote-control truck. The broadcast were beamed to Pumarejo’s house by microwave, where they were rebroadcast. Cameramen were positioned at first base and home plate. The station‘s third camera remained in the house until newsman Alberto Gandero finished his newscast. After the newscast, the third camera was carried to the stadium by taxi and positioned near third base.][4]

Soap operas also known as telenovelas, news, cooking shows and comedy groups were shown. After Union Radio TV went on the air Cuban demand for television sets soared. Luckily Cuban broadcasting coincided with a glut of sets in the US market. Despite the high cost, ranging $350 for a 16” set to $2,000 for a 30” unit, the Cuban government Imports and Exports Analysis Agency estimated that Cubans imported more than 100,000 television receivers by 1952.[5]

Social and political aspects

From its inception, Cuban television played a huge part in the social and political fiber of Cubans. Extensive discussions about television began to unfold in the radio and entertainment sections of Cuban newspapers and magazines in the year leading up to October 14, 1950, the day Unión Radio-TV became the first television station to broadcast in Havana.[6] Critics believed that US television set a level of excellence that they wanted to uphold. They believed the medium's primary purpose in Cuba would be to enhance the "high culture" education of the Cuban citizen.[7]

Censorship under Batista

On March 10, 1952 following Fulgencio Batista's successful coup he sent for representatives of the media and imposed censorship. Though it was supposed to be temporary it wasn’t until Journalists’ Day October 24, 1953 that censorship was supposedly lifted. In truth the censorship became even harsher after Fidel Castro's [[July 26, 1953 attack on Moncada Barracks. Stations could be fined or shut down for various infractions. For example on march 14,1953, CMCH-Radio Cadena Habana permitted a criticism of the coup. The station was immediately occupied by government soldiers.[8] In true Cuban fashion the media learned to operate within the parameters of the censorship. In late 1957, Circuito Nacional Cubano, a station purported to be secretly owned by Batista, broadcast a fictional program called El Dictador De Valle Azul” [it starred Rolando Leyva as the rebel leader Taguary, who, with his group of men, roamed the Blue Valley and helped the people fight the valley’s evil dictator in each episode. The comparisons with the dictator Batista and the rebel leader Castro were unmistakable. The governments failure to recognize the satire only made the government appear inept as well as tyrannical.][9] Moral censorship also increased under Batista. There was a move towards more family friendly broadcasts and less sexually provocative variety shows. In particular these were the rumba and mambo inspired dances and more specifically the female dancers.


  1. ^ Salwen, Michael. Radio and Television in Cuba: The Pre-Castro Era. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1994: 39.
  2. ^ Salwen, M., Radio and Television in Cuba: The Pre-Castro Era:40
  3. ^ Salwen, M., Radio and Television in Cuba: The Pre-Castro Era:36
  4. ^ Salwen, M., Radio and Television in Cuba: The Pre-Castro Era:36
  5. ^ Salwen, M., Radio and Television in Cuba: The Pre-Castro Era:36
  6. ^ Rivero, Yeidy M. “Broadcasting Modernity: Cuban Television 1950-1953.” Cinema Journal 46.3(2007):3-23.Print:6
  7. ^ [Rivero, Yeidy M. “Broadcasting Modernity: Cuban Television 1950-1953.”:7
  8. ^ Salwen, M., Radio and Television in Cuba: The Pre-Castro Era:95
  9. ^ Salwen, M., Radio and Television in Cuba: The Pre-Castro Era:95


Salwen, Michael. Radio and Television in Cuba: The Pre-Castro Era. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1994.

Rivero, Yeidy M. “Broadcasting Modernity: Cuban Television 1950-1953.” Cinema Journal 46.3(2007):3-23.Print.

The following is a list of all television stations in Cuba:

The United States Military has a television station to serve the troops at Guantanamo Bay:


Daily listings appear in the newspaper Granma.

Weekly listings appear on the website of Juventud Rebelde (in Spanish):

External links